You regard Cyrille Hyacinthe as...



— at a glance —

More often than not, most instances of coming across Cyrille Hyacinthe as of recently are monthly openings of the venue Prophet Lounge. Most of her remodeling work for her own family's inn keeps her from the bustling social life she vastly prefers... though the hurdle does not stop her from coaxing others into having a tankard of ale with her.The Cyrille you may meet in venues is often times a very bubbly, very bright type of personality. She is still learning the ins and outs of proper casual etiquette — yet still has a bad habit of messing up common idioms — but... she most certainly has the right attitude for what she aims for.If you mean to strike up a conversation with her, she's always delighted to have company; Just be sure to pay her a simple compliment for a free ticket to become a target of her affections.

— closer observation —

Buried underneath the surface level of cheerful trills and bright smiles is a much more soft-spoken little barmaid — exuding a rare, demure type of kindness that's rarely seen in the clambering, sometimes hostile environment within Gridania.Though others may hesitate to pause their journeys in the heart of the Shroud, it is Cyrille and her family that welcome people of any background with the warmest of open arms.A some few of passing adventurers alike her to a hidden jewel buried deep within the deepest caves, earning it rightfully with her genuine worry of other's comfort and safety. Through trained elegance does she blossom so beautifully......Yet the much more perceptive of travelers would do well to notice the distant, forlorn look in her unfocused gaze.

The only heir to the Hyacinthe family's inn known as Awaiting Canary. Demure, loving, and giving above all; Cyrille greets everyone who approaches with a sweet smile and eyes that shimmer in warmth and welcome.

Flowers, tea, singing, hearty cuisines, praise, devotion.
Insects, frogs, receiving extravagant gifts, forced isolation.
Kind-hearted, empathetic, generous, patient, curious.
Gullible, easily attached, martyr complex, poor impulse control.

Relationship Status
Bethrothed ; 3 Spouses
( Polyamorous )

NameCyrille Hyacinthe
Referred asCyr, Miss Cyrille
PronounsShe / Her (He / They)
OrientationBisexual (Masc Lean)
HeritageGridanian Elezen...?
Nameday5 / 20 (32 Summers)
Height5'9" (175cm)
Main RoleHealer / Tank

IC F-ListMoodsetter


She is Vulnerable; She is Naive: Susceptible to being taken advantage of if one pays her a compliment. Be it "your voice is so sweet and soft" or "your hands are as delicate as the smile that graces your lips," one comment is all you need for Cyrille to easily offer you money, gifts, and whatever else your heart desires.

Atypical Elezen: Cyrille rests at a shocking five fulm, nine ilms as someone who's born from two average Elezen — though the modernized invention of heels and platforms get her by in terms of looking somewhat 'typical.' An unfortunately common point of conversation.



The bartender that serves you a drink with a pretty smile.A polite patron that loves to listen and to spoil others.A diligent and honest worker that sometimes has a difficult time remembering common idioms.



The thoughtful, empathetic acquaintance you can bare your heart to.The ditzy barmaid with a notable intruition.


She is Vulnerable; She is Naive: Susceptible to being taken advantage of if one pays her a compliment. Be it "your voice is so sweet and soft" or "your hands are as delicate as the smile that graces your lips," one comment is all you need for Cyrille to easily offer you money, gifts, and whatever else your heart desires.

With her extensive experience in hosting and bar-tending, it's no surprise that Cyrille can make one feel safe and comforted — so much so, in fact, that this particular barmaid holds a rather surprising plethora of random, disconnected knowledge. From the Ishgardian Maidens' latest gossip to the Sharlayan Gleaners' whispers, there is maybe at least one useful factoid under her belt that may prove useful to another... that is of course, only if you are a trusted companion.


Gridania's Singing Canary: Although the Hyacinthes do not recall their only heir being apt at incantations, there are a some few travelers that whisper quietly of the unique arts of this barmaid's healing abilities after her return home. Some seek her out to have their physical wounds healed, and some seek her out for the temporary emotional healing her gentle songs provide.

Barely Present: Whatever past events that have gone though Cyrille's life has dealt her the hand of having a substantially low amount of aether — almost enough to baffle those with aethersight.

Substantial Strength: Be it fully loaded crates, bags, or packages, Cyrille is quite astute in making sure she takes care of what she needs to do instead of having others break their back for her. Even people a full fulm taller than her are not safe from her strength. You will be carried. Given the situation, of course.






The perpetrator of old, Ishgardian cold cases during the post-Dragonsong era.A secret wish fulfiller whose singing brings joy to those around her, or sorrow so deep that it crushes your heart.


Nobleman's Toy: It was before the return to Gridania that wary mumbles spread through the distinguished Ishgardian nobles' homes... those with coin to spend craved only the finest of flowers to pluck; A wish granted by a veiled, traveling crow. It's said that those who partaken in their songs, in their charms, would never get enough.
One Lord in particular, so enraptured by their trills, would have her so often, that he claimed to etch every detail of their finest traits to his memory. Hazy bright eyes that lack pupils, sharp canines, and the discoloration of their clawed fingers... he proclaimed with his final breath, how he longed to see her one more time... but was never seen again. No one could find his remains.

Unhuntable Creature: After five different incidents of noblemen vanishing without a trace, bounties began to arise among The Pillars to seek out the

Yvell Faurrow


Cyrille's first lover, and first husband. Strong, gaunt, and intimidating to those who conjure their own concepts of the innkeep's well-revered spouse. A man of very few words, but enough to have Cyrille dedicate everything to. Met during the turning point of the Dragonsong War, Yvell has always been a pillar of inspiration; A guide, mentor, dear friend, and a lover so gentle many would hardly believe such affection came from him. Please keep continuing to show her happiness, Yvell Faurrow!

"Emile Archambault"


The second lover. A mysterious magician who seemed to have appeared out of thin air one evening in the chilling streets of Ishgard. Presenting as the common folk's traveling jester, "Emile" had enchanted Cyrille the same eve they had been hired to do away with her. A whispered deal of rare knowledge for protection and companionship, the bond between the two had developed further into something less for each other's benefit, taking on a more... peaceful and serene dynamic. Just don't tell "Emile" that.

Third lover, and third(?) spouse. Mugen's rather loud personality was an encouraging trait of his that sparked some of her interest during her own days of traveling. He always seemed different from the rest — though the spark has since been diminished through both struggles and intimacy. In a very sweet way, mind you. Gentle are his hands that hold Cyrille's own, Mugen had captivated her heart during a time of uncertainty, cautious self reflection, and unexpected loneliness.

Mugen Ryu


The husband of Mugen Ryu. A man who knows how to put himself first — a trait that Cyrille somehow manages to find inspiration in some way and fashion. Perhaps it's because she has never been one to butt heads with newer companions, but regardless... it is the few and recent interactions with this Xaela that Cyrille feels the need to very politely lie in waiting, as this particular lizard seems to speak with surprising impulsivity to her in particular.

Sugar Avagnar


Eleos'a Tyrn


A friend of Cyrille's who seems to have succeeded where she could not. Eleos'a and Cyrille go very far back, as the two had started their training with the sword at the exact same guild once upon a time. However, as one had become a Sultan Sworn, the become a Temple Knight. Though those times are way beyond them as of recently — though it's the quiet moments between the two over tea that Cyrille's heart yearns for the wind through her hair, and a blade at her side...

Leonce Ernageim


A childhood friend of Cyrille's, and the son of the La Noscean farmers the Hyacinthe family has done business with for several generations over. Leonce is a well-rounded, well-mannered young man, both politely reserved and bright in his mellow personality. He is the catalyst of barmaid's genuine interest in understanding everything there is to know of the people on this star, and often times would be the one encouraging the more rowdy, competitive side of Cyrille growing up.

A more recent companion of Cyrille's that she's had the pleasure of meeting through Mugen. The Viera presents himself to be a rather attentive and sweet individual, ticking all of her boxes when it comes the the perfect subject of her affections. With a rather pathetic air around him, there is not one moment that Cyrille spares when it comes to fulfilling any requests that come from this particular gentleman. A young man whom she would gladly give 80% to.

Nariya Qitana


An Ishgardian Dragoon with a few less than savory associations in regards to Cyrille's past as a Temple Knight. Through an awkward act of offering the man shelter during a terrible Coerthan blizzard, it seems as though Ser Ruivanc has his head to far up his own ass hole to truly recall Cyrille's presence in his life. Hopefully it stays that way and the Temple Knight won't make the connection that she's more than just aware of what happened to his father... right...?

Alert Ruivanc



Cyrille is the Hyacinthe family's only heir to their small inn called the Awaiting Canary. He was once known to be the boisterous son who had stolen the hearts of many with his energy and charisma once upon a time, but has since become quiet busy body after countless summers of soul-searching.Cyrille Hyacinthe was once to be a young man full of pride, often going the extra mile to impress and compete with others for fame and for glory. He was a person who often was set in his own goals, dreaming of one day being the picture perfect knight in shining armor that people would adore for generations to come.The dream would never reach is true fruition, however, as the sheltered prince's naïve dreams of knighthood would be diminished by the witness of man's raw display of greed and deception. Such is the reason Cyrille Hyacinthe stows away his sword and shield — disappearing in the cold, bitter winds of Coerthas after the end of the Dragonsong War.Through winters of solitude and fleeting rumors, Cyrille returns to his family at the age of twenty-nine summers.